Hello To-Do Listers!
Let's make magic with the force of gratitude. Join me by practicing daily gratitude.

Practice 18
Today's Practice:
1. Write out your to-do list.
2. Think of the top 3 things you need done.
3. Imagine they are done and express the gratitude you feel for them being done.
This practice isn't that difficult to do it is a little harder to grasp the concept. Most of my list is things I need to myself. In the book it talks about showing gratitude for the items being done and then someone could magically do it for you. That conflicts with my list of items I need to do myself... One thing I think is good to point out is that it can help set up the situation to make it possible for you to get to those items.
Some of the items on my list are things that get put off because I have other items that need to be done first. This practice is to help make time for those items or solutions so that I am able to get to them.

Also I love to-do lists so this is a fun one!
Practice 17
Today's Practice:
To learn about practice 17 see The Magic - Day 17
Gratitude for Things that Cost Money
Practice 16
Today's Practice:
To learn about practice 16 see The Magic - Day 16
Gratitude for Health
Practice 15
Today's Practice:
To learn about practice 15 see The Magic - Day 15
Gratitude for Difficult Relationships
Practice 14
Today's Practice:
Gratitude for your Day Ahead
Practice 13
To learn about practice 13 see The Magic - Day 13
Gratitude for your Top 10 Desires
Practice 12
To learn about practice 12 see The Magic - Day 12
Gratitude for your People Who Changed your Life
Practice 11
To learn about practice 11 see The Magic - Day 11
Gratitude for your Daily Routine
Practice 10
To learn about practice 10 see The Magic - Day 10
Gratitude for People who offer you services
Practice 9
To learn about practice 9 see The Magic - Day 9
Gratitude for Bills
Practice 8
To learn about practice 8 see The Magic - Day 8
Gratitude for Food & Water
Practice 7
To learn about practice 7 see The Magic - Day 7
Gratitude for Negativity
Practice 6
To learn about practice 6 see The Magic - Day 6
Gratitude for Career/Work/Gig/Side Hustle
Practice 5
To learn about practice 5 see The Magic - Day 5
Gratitude for Money
Practice 4
To learn about practice 4 see The Magic - Day 4
Gratitude for Health
Practice 3
To learn about practice 3 see The Magic - Day 3
Gratitude for Relationships
Practice 2
To learn about practice 2 see The Magic - Day 2
I was most grateful that my career is flexible enough to stay home during poor weather and that I get to decide when I go into the office and not someone else.
Today - Updated:
I was most grateful for meeting new people and being able to contribute to their future success!
Practice 1
To learn what practice 1 is see The Magic - Day 1

Let's make Magic
We are going to do 28 days of gratitude practice outlined by the book. Want to join in the fun?
I am going to be outlining my daily practice in the following places:
Trello - You can follow along on my daily exercises and progress.
Facebook - I will be doing live streams outlining what the task for the day is.
(Be sure to like my page for updates)
Blog - Right here there will be daily updates located under the Practice tab of blog posts.
Want to join in the magic?
Step 1: Get a copy of the book.
Step 2: Follow on Social Media
Step 3: Exercise Gratitude
Want to follow along? Grab a notebook or copy the Trello board and make your own magic! Heck even comment on the daily blog posts with your responses to the exercises.
What is "The Magic"
"The Magic" is a book by Rhonda Byrne. She is very well known for her book the secret. Essentially "The Magic" is a workbook to put into action the ideas behind the secret.
I highly recommend everybody have a copy of this book on their shelves. It is great if you just need a little inspiration to show some gratitude. I would highly recommend anything by Rhonda Byrne, her books and the secret books in general are easy to read and have great content about the law of attraction and gratitude.
You can get your own copy here. Please check out Rhonda Byrne as she is an awesome author and very inspiring.
This entire series of posts will be all about gratitude. Today I am grateful for a busy day that will be useful in getting things done! Business is ramping up and I'm very excited to meet my goals this year. There is a lot of stuff going on in my life and i'm so happy to be actively part of it. For example we will be moving into our duplex sooner than later. Then comes wedding planning and a bunch of weddings to attend, including one in Panama - where I get to meet Eliezer's grandma! Among all of this paying off debt, saving it up and buying more investment properties! 2020 is going to be a great year with a lot of milestones and I'm very excited!
🙏 Thank you for reading! What has been on your to-do list and you just really want it done? Do you like to make lists? What exciting things do you have coming up this year?✨