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Starting the journey

Writer: Stacy MansonStacy Manson

Updated: Dec 26, 2019

Learn about what the journey means to me and how I am going to embark on my own.

This will be done through my blog and daily living.

Here is what I am going to cover:

- Explaining the "Journey"

- Give some Background Details

- Why I am embarking on a Journey

- Define my Future

The Journey Is On
Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

The Journey

This is the journey to Gratitude.

We all have an abundance of things to be Grateful for in our lives, but I have noticed it seems harder and harder to see these things with the buzzing of everyday life. Take for example the News - I have completely stopped watching it because I found myself getting depressed at all of the hate and lack of anything remotely positive.

Watching for just a few minutes makes you want to start building a drop out shelter and start living off the grid! In addition to the news, Social Media and even your friends can cause a great distress!

The problem with all of these outlets is that they could all be centers for great joy but they have been shaped to tell you everything bad that can, will, and have gone wrong.

This journey is to teach not only myself but others that even being in situations of negativity is a blessing because the alternative is not having the opportunity at all! My goal from this journey is to live a fuller life and accept that I can't change what happens I can only change my perspective.


The idea of the journey developed from reading the series of books written by Rhonda Byrnes:

Click for a great description of these books from a fellow self-help book lover!

These books have inspired me since High school. I contribute a lot of my success and courage to take risks, to these books. They inspire me every time I read them and are actually the inspiration for my whole idea on the topic of gratitude.

I am a sucker for self-help books but I will be the first to admit I do not always pull through on the valuable information they give. That is what this journey is for, accountability!

The reason I keep referring to it as a Journey is because I know changing your life does not happen overnight; it is a matter of shaping your mind and using your new perspective to change your actions.

Things I need to recognize to make this journey a success:

- I have not always been grateful and will have times when I feel ungrateful.

- I cannot change the past, only improve the future.

- This journey is not about what others think of me, it is about what I want to become.

- Consistency is key to success - I must practice Gratitude in every aspect of my life: Work, Relationships, Health, Personal Thoughts and so much more.


What is it in life that drives you?

This is the question I have asked myself for a long time! I am still discovering the answer, but I am taking daily steps to inspire, mold and create the life I want to live.

Currently my drivers in life include:

Traveling - Seeing the world and meeting all of the unique people in it.

People - Seeing people succeed, spending time with them, and learning their wisdom.

Colorado Mountains
Mountain View in Colorado

These are the two things that inspire my wants in life. These two things give me great joy, more joy than any expensive or materialistic thing could give me.

These drives will be the pushing factors for expressing Gratitude!

I have been blessed to be able to have traveled and meet all kinds of people from all walks of life. I know that if I can be thankful for all the experiences in life that I will be able to see the world from a new light and begin to appreciate it all even more!

(This doesn't begin to cover the awesome people I've met but it's a start and were photos easily found saved on my computer)


I am a strong believer in the Universe, the Golden Rule, and the Law of Attraction. These will guide my journey towards Gratitude and you will likely see this theme a lot in my life!

If I could be a fortune teller this is what I foresee for my journey to gratitude:

-Blogging my journey in terms of actions I take, thoughts that provoke me, and experiences I have.

- Inspiring others to share their journey and take conscious action to improve their life through gratitude.

- Helping others to spread the force of gratitude and reap the benefits!

If you have stayed with me this long... THANK YOU!

Some people may think I am just speaking Hippie Talk, and that is fine (and totally true). All I ask is that this journey be as productive as possible and if you disagree with what I am trying to do, move on and worry about whatever it may be that YOU are doing.

For the people wanting to join the journey please comment your background, drives, and future goals! The more of us there are trying to live a grateful life the stronger the force we will have on everyone!


Stacy =]


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