It has been a few years since I was active on this site and blog. Surprisingly it is my best performing website too, which is kind of crazy to me!
I'm coming back to it because well the pull of Gratitude is bringing me back!
I used this blog mainly as a way to publicly track and hold me accountable when working through the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne.
After 2 or so years I finally responded to people that reached out about the blog. I feel terrible because they were kind people thanking me for writing the blog and telling me stories of how it changed their lives too.
Well I'm back, caught up on emails and hope to use this as continued accountability for gratitude in my daily life! Let's use this blog to get reconnected and see where we can take it from here.
About Me

Well hello again! My name is Stacy Fernandez, you may have known me as Stacy Manson. Well a few things have changed in the 5 years since I've wrote on here. One being I got married!
I don't have much of a bio but I'm a sucker for lists so I think that will be a good way to introduce myself (please note not in any specific order of importance, just what came to mind):
Wife to my amazing husband, Eliezer
Mom to Evelia 👼🏼 & Ezrael
Proud owner of a Miniature Weiner named Gizmo
Realtor in Lincoln NE
Realtor Matchmaker for anyone/anywhere
Self proclaimed home chef
Worst Mother to Sourdough Mother
Reader of Books (listener too)
Outdoor enjoyer
On the path to financial freedom (not there yet)
Killer gift giver
Puzzle fiend
Artsy Fartsy (if I have time)
Reliable Friend (I'd like to think so)
Anyway that about sums up the big things about me.
What to Expect
It is my goal to use this blog as a bit of an outlet and write about experiences that have changed my life and continue to. Since I have last written we have experienced a lot of heartache but also so much abundance. Sometimes the heartache is what humbled us to accept the abundance.
In true list fashion I would like to touch on the following items:
Pregnancy after loss
Genetic testing and getting high risk results
High risk pregnancy
Still birth
Health scares
How to help after a loss
It's late and I can only think of the negative sounding topics but I promise these will express a lot of gratitude! There will also be more obviously positive topics but I'm trying to take action rather than make this perfect. It's a work in progress, so thank you for tagging along!
I am thankful for this website because it is a creative outlet for me! I am absolutely humbled to think complete strangers have read my blogs and felt moved enough to send me messages. I'm thankful that the Internet exists and allows this communication to happen. I'm also thankful for the hard times that life throws our way. At the time it is very hard to be grateful but it sure is humbling and helps to realign and get us to look for a bigger picture.
🙏 Thank you for tuning in! Are there any specific topics you want covered? How can I help you find more gratitude in your daily life?