Oh skin care...
Everyone's skin is different and every routine is different. I will tell you my routine is non-existent. Okay not completely not non-existent but my routine is not healthy - that's for sure!
Skin History
My skin actually isn't too bad. What is bad is my picking habit. Seriously I can't keep my hands off my face. It is something I have struggled with since I was like 7 and some of my friends/family might argue earlier than that.
It was so bad that in college all of my friends that were psychology/health majors would use me as an example to explain a specific disorder known as: skin picking disorder or excoriation disorder. I have to admit that was pretty embarrassing...
It still isn't enough to make me stop though. Probably why it is an actual disorder! Like I said before, my skin isn't actually that bad, I just make it bad. I will pick at the smallest bumps to the biggest white heads (though they rarely make it that long).
Often times people will say "quit picking, your ruining your skin". To that I want to say, "No Shit Sherlock!" I know what I am supposed to do, I just choose not to do those things.
This post is to help inspire myself to do those things and hold myself publicly accountable. Shaming me and telling me what i'm doing isn't helping. I know I am the only person that can truly help myself - so let's try this!
Acne Prevention Tips
Now I will tell you I am not the expert on this but I have done a lot of research into it :)
This is a fine place to insert the quote "Do as I say, not as I do".
- Keep your hands OFF your face!
- Avoid too much sugar (alcohol is like all sugar - damn wine)
- Wash your face morning and night
- Use moisturizer before you put on makeup (preferably with sunscreen in it)
- Wash your pillowcase more often and use satin pillowcases (good for hair too)
This probably won't make acne go away forever but it's a start. Sometimes its the simple things because you can actually implement them and do them routinely.
From one excorationer to another here are a few tips to help keep your hands OFF your face!
- Put on fake nails (you can still pick but it makes it harder to puncture skin and tear it off)
- Try to find another vice
- Put a note on the mirror you use to pick
- Keep a photo nearby of a time you wished you hadn't picked your face but obviously did
- Exchange picking for running, for me it is often when i'm bored or stressed that I pick. Sweating will help your pores too so it's many benefits in one.
(See other than just being a weirdo - I have a serious picking problem!)
Trying Something New
I'm trying to take an active step to address this issue. That is what this post is truly about. Yes it will reference a product I'm going to try, but it is mostly to hold myself accountable. I'm pretty over always having photos with acne and spending money on cover up and foundation.
So anyway... I was chatting with a friend and we were on the subject of personal style and beauty. We got on the subject of acne and how much of a hindrance it can be. She mentioned Curology and it peaked my interest. I was a little doubtful because my problem is picking not so much my skin composition.
I went home and didn't think much of it. Then!
Of course Snapchat stories made me reconsider (I'm a total millennial). Another friend of mine snapped about how she got Curology for $4.95 off Instagram! I'm a total sap for a good deal!
After seeing that I was checking out Instagram of course. Bada Bing Bada Boom it's like they know everything because the first ad to pop up was Curology! Whoever does their marketing does a stellar job because boy did I click buy fast!
Curology Process
Step 1: Answer a few questions
Step 2: Snap a few photos: left, front & right
Step 3: They assign a personal provider
Step 4: Your box arrives
Step 5: Do it!
Here is my before:

Flattering I know right 😂
They also recommended some cool looking band-aids. I ordered them from Amazon and
You can get some here too:
Curology - Day 1

I hope my next post is a successful one!
Hydrocolloid Bandages - Acne Stickers
I can't lie these are kind of fun! They are like little stickers for ugly acne. The best part is they stay on and aren't overly noticeable. I read somewhere you can where them out in public - I have tried and they aren't that noticeable but if you are talking to someone for an extended period of time I wouldn't wear them... I did teach online with them on and wasn't able to notice them so that's a plus!
Anyway here are some photos of my experience with them:
As we all know life is a journey! This is one part of my journey I have struggled with. With this post I hope I can hold myself more accountable in achieving my goal of clear skin! This is definitely embarrassing for me, but without being uncomfortable I won't grow.
In college I really learned to embrace what makes me different. Now I am learning to embrace my weaknesses and harness them and either make them a strength or redirect the energy into something more useful.
I hope everyone reading this that struggles with acne or picking will use this as a testament that you are not alone. I also want them to realize it doesn't stop overnight and with any type of addiction or habit it takes calculated action and intention to overcome. Don't give up, this will be one of many battles fought!
🙏 Thank you for reading! What skin regimes do you have? How do you get over bad habits? Have you used Curology? 😏