Theme of the book: Blogging for busy moms or people.
The book: The Digital Mom Handbook by Audrey McClelland & Colleen Padilla
Located: This was a book I picked up at the local library - Eisley Branch to be specific. People are probably thinking oh Stacy is pregnant!!! #fakenews
(Sorry mom i'm really NOT pregnant!) This was just book about blogging that kept catching my eye on the shelf.
Description: The book as an overview is just how these to hard working moms went from full time jobs to full time blogging.
My thoughts: It was a great book to inspire me and make me realize, wow I have it easy compared to them to start a blog! No kids to worry about 👍
Anyway I thought it was well written with a lot of helpful sources and real life stories. They made a point to educate the reader the real ways in which blogging becomes successful. One of the things I took most from the blog is that the opportunities blogging presents can become just as much a full time job as anything else.
It kind of messed with my so called millennial mindset... I still have to WORK when I want to be independent?! Just kidding it goes back to the old adage "Do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life".
At this point I will still be determining if blogging is the way to express the thing I LOVE but in the mean time it will help me to live the life I want to live - one filled with GRATITUDE.
Back to the book review!
It covers:
- Their backgrounds
- Finding your passion
- "Hanging a Digital Shingle" - Actually starting your blog
- Finding your tribe - blogging family
- Making Opportunities with a blog
- Managing money from a blog
- Managing time efficiently
- After success of a blog
Recommend? I would recommend this book to people interested in blogging, even if you are not a mom or mom to be! It was a good realistic perspective of starting a blog. They gave relatable examples of failures and successes.
In addition they give background on social media and mentioned things I have never heard of like "Twitter Parties". It also draws on interviews and Q&A from different people in the industry like PR people for big brands and other bloggers.
Critique: If I had to critique this book I would say that it should be geared toward more than just mom's. I am not a mom or going to be and still found it very insightful, and it helped to inspire me to lay my first digital shingle!
All-in-all I would give this book a 4 Star review! It is a recommended read for anyone wanting to start a blog.⭐⭐⭐⭐
🙏 Thank you for reading! What are your thoughts? Have you read it? Would you read it based off my review? - Why or Why Not? 📖